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Pentru cei interesati de proceduri de vot intern

Uite ca sunt locuri in lumea asta in care “responsabilii” fac tot ce pot ca sa-i ajute pe cei care vor sa voteze.

Sau, daca preferati, uite ca si in SUA sunt probleme in ceea ce priveste votul prin corespondnta sau online. E adevarat ca in situatia asta e un vot intern al Partidului Democratic si dintr-un stat mic:Iowa.

Mic, mic, dar primul din SUA care are pe la inceput de ianuarie votul pentru desemnarea candidatilor celor doua partide (republican si democratic) la cursa pentru alegerea presedintelui SUA. Un start bun nu-i putin lucru.


The new rules would establish a statewide precinct for any Iowans serving in the military, who could cast their votes by telephone. It remains unclear, however, how the party will coordinate with the Defense Department to ensure servicemen and women could participate from bases abroad.

Satellite caucus locations would be established for those with disabilities, and the party will hire a special employee tasked with picking caucus locations that are wheelchair accessible.

GovBeat: Iowa Dems propose changes to caucus system :